At Opaysage, we are there for our clients from the very beginning to the very end.

Opaysage is a specialized landscape architecture and management firm with more than a decade of experience. Our mission is to improve people’s well-being by creating sustainable, innovative outdoor spaces. We propose unique, human-scale designs oriented toward smart, sustainable development to guide and cater to our diverse clientele in the public and private sectors.


Jean-Michel Bédard

Founding Landscape Architect

Jean-Michel Bédard founded Opaysage almost ten years ago with a dream of redesigning and reimagining the spaces in which we live. Over the years, his passion for landscape architecture and his sincere commitment to the environment have carved out a prominent position for his young firm in Greater Montreal. Jean-Michel draws upon his expertise to come up with unique, human-scale landscape architecture solutions and uses his attention to detail to offer meticulous project management services.

Over the years, Jean-Michel’s talent, devotion to his clients and sense of humanity have allowed him to surround himself with a flourishing team and loyal partners, making Opaysage a strong, influential firm.

Noémie Lecavalier

Associate Landscape Architect

Noémie is a passionate and dedicated young landscape architect with a special interest in current environmental concerns and green landscape architecture. She aims to ground her practice in an approach that unites sustainable development and user experience for a more inclusive vision. Noémie brings both her wonderful human qualities and an attentive, avant-garde perspective to the firm’s assignments.

Laura Cespedes

Landscape architect

Récente titulaire d’un baccalauréat en architecture de paysage, Laura a toujours eu un penchant particulier pour l’approche communautaire, lui permettant de développer sa sensibilité envers les projets de paysage. En tant que jeune architecte paysagiste, elle s’efforce de concevoir des espaces réfléchis dans le but d’améliorer la qualité de vie humaine. Empathique, attentive, rigoureuse et curieuse, elle cherche constamment à en apprendre davantage sur les enjeux sociaux et environnementaux auxquels elle fait face professionnellement. 

Yeelena Sidibé

Landscape architect technician

Suite à des études universitaires en urbanisme et en histoire de l'art, Yeelena décide de suivre une formation technique en aménagement paysager et horticulture dans le but d'acquérir des connaissances dans la conception et la réalisation de jardins. En tant que technicienne en architecture de paysage, elle cherche désormais à allier sa compréhension sensible de l'espace et son intérêt pour l'écologie. Curieuse et minutieuse, Yeelena est heureuse d'apporter sa touche personnelle à l'équipe d’Opaysage.

Nathalie Kessler

Advisor, Communications and Development

Nathalie has worked in communications for over ten years. She joined the Opaysage team to use her expertise to help the environment, a cause that is dear to her heart. Authentic and dedicated, Nathalie brings her own flair to the team and is committed to furthering the firm’s mission.

Join our team!

Do you care about the environment? Do you describe yourself as human, respectful, strive for excellence and invest in what you do? We want to meet you!

Our partners

Gabriel Charbonneau

Forest engineer

Jacques Desrochers

3D Architectural Illustrator

Marc-André Gauthier

Landscape architect


Concepts intimately linked to biodiversity

Biodiversity is at the heart of our creative process, allowing us to develop environmentally conscious and smart projects. Our designs follow the basic principles of smart, sustainable development:

  • Improvement of quality of life
  • Human-scale project creation
  • Planting of native and edible plants
  • Diversification of plant species
  • Reduction of paved surfaces
  • Natural water filtration in soil
  • Preservation of natural areas

This approach allows us to guide our clients and show them that our yards, neighbourhoods and cities can be imagined in new ways.


Our dedication to our clients

Authenticity and dedication are at the core of our approach, allowing us to build close, trusting relationships with our clients. Listening to and understanding our clients’ needs is key for us, and we commit to checking in with our clients at each stage of the project to ensure that we deliver high quality results. Furthermore, we maintain strong two-way communication during all projects to guarantee client satisfaction and create unique designs tailored to our clients’ needs.